Saturday, August 25, 2007

TDP has done alot....

I have probably mentioned this before but we need to keep him....

First off you got to look at what he has done. The Tigers were not in good financial shape when he took over. There are some speculations that we are not in the best financial shape at the moment but certainly better than when he took over.

If we are (and I doubt it) it is due to an upgrade in facilities. In fact in the long run, this will pay off and already is. Ticket sales, even with a somewhat unhappy fan base are at an all time high. This is obviously in my mind due to the potential we have based on talent.

I am not fully satisfied yet that we need a coaching change. But I will say if it comes to that TDP will be the man to find the right one. I can say in all certainty that it will not be Houston Nutt. If they were having conversations it was probably HN getting advice on how to straighten out the mess he has made at Arkansas and the Tigers won't accept a candidate like him.

I still believe Bowden has a shot at getting it right. But I could see TDP bringing in Paul Johnson if he doesn't. I will take either one. Don't forget, you heard it here first.


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