Sunday, August 26, 2007

Carolina's Flower Bull!

Blake, fights are part of practice. Its 100 degrees, pushed to your physical and mental limit, and around a lot of people in the same situation. These fights are going to happen to any team, and it wouldn't happen in a game. It doesn't take away from practice time. I think it is an encouraging sign. Your want your players to be tough and aggressive out there. You don't want a lot of "I'm sorry," or "Excuse me." I'm reminded of something crazy right now. I read this book about a bull who didn't like to fight when I was a kid. He liked to smell flowers instead. I wonder if that book was some way of saying it was okay to be gay.

By the way, I found out who will be starting in Mitchell's absence this week, with one year of eligibility left: Business in the front, party in the back!


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