Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Not knowing much about Carolina's D-line and based on what you said about them. RB's for the Tigers will certainly be better. O-line is a question mark, but my opinion is the OL is always a question mark until the season starts even with veterans.

I also agree and will be one of the first to say dump Harper IF, he bombs out. I am not convinced that even if he does Korn will do better this year. But if you have to make that choice it is clear you go with longevity and the future which is Korn and getting him play time is important there. Unless Harper bombs out completely, which I don't expect due in part based on what you said in that our RB's can carry us and make him look better (OL bombing won't get us a QB change) I donot expect Korn to play. He certainly will not come in in a close game which that Harper is managing well, a close game being the most likely outcome.

Bowden does not replace QB's very often. He needs to do it more, but I have no reason to think he will change his and his dad's strategy on this this year. Especially not opening day. The big talk amongst him and his coaches this year is a strong desire to start redshirting more players. Which is understandable.


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