Friday, August 10, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

I have forgotten how miserable August can be. It has been terribly hot and humid outside and my light bill is probably gonna double. Whats the temperature like in Afghanistan Vance?

Football is in that lull of fall practice optimism and the only news you can REALLY get is bad, which makes you afraid to go to the dedicated sites. Sure, you go to every site and you hear how certain freshmen are surprising coaches, unproven veterans are looking for respect and the coaches are looking for this year's leaders, and it keeps you informed on your team.

Speaking of injuries, Jamie Cumbie underwent surgery and may miss a game or two. It hasn't affected the starting lineup, but the depth behind them is having to get switched around. Also, some of the coaches haven't been too happy about Ricky Sapp's work ethic to date. He needs to get in gear and anchor a defensive line that needs some leadership and can be really good if everyone stays healthy. The depth here is pretty good, but I think they want to red-shirt some guys if possible. When it's all said and done, I think this is going to be a great Clemson defense.

I read, on (I think), some comments by Rob Spence and it didn't seem like he was really wanting to play Willie Korn IMO. He better remember though that IPTAY will not put up with Korn sitting on the sidelines if Cullen Harper struggles. His ass will be offensive coordinator at Calhoun Falls if Bowden doesn't satisfy a very championship-starved fanbase and loses his job.

Here's that story, which wasn't on rivals. I want to know you guys' opinions on Spence's comments. I just don't trust his QB mentorship at the time, honestly. I always felt he wanted to bench Charlie for Will Prostate. I look for Korn to play in that game, and I think Bowden does too.


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