Friday, August 31, 2007

LMAO.. I'm sorry bro, I couldn't resist this one..

Pictured is Clemson's starting bandit DE, Ricky Sapp himself. Talk about goofy pictures. Wonder what kind of sign he is suggesting here.. lmao! I can't quit laughing at this. This was on a message board when I got home from work. Funny how it popped up after last night's discussion about goof off pictures. Bro you know that this pic was to funny not to post. Someone said that it came off of JD's facebook page. Hilarious!
Someone on the message board captioned this pic with this:
"Sometime I practices hard and sometime I jess rubs my nipples and hopes for da bess..."
I gotta stop, my stomach is hurting I'm laughing so hard!


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