Monday, July 16, 2007

Yea, what QR did was DUMB!

It wasn't so bad that he had refer on him, it was the fact that he got caught with it at the same apartments that he was stabbed at. That was a bigger crime to me than having the pot... It was just stupid.

However, he will not be booted off of the team. It would cause a huge stink for Carolina to kick QR off of the team after the 2 chances that Garcia recently got. There would be racial organizations involved and it would not be a good situation for Carolina right before the season starts.

This may turn out to be a good thing. Maybe QR has realized that as a Carolina football player, his every move will be watched by someone. Columbia isn't a small college town, and there are people that live in Columbia that don't give a damn about college football. The State newspaper loves to write about things like this.

I think he will get straitened out. Everyone said that he was a really good kid. He may not have a choice but to get strait because from what I have been hearing, he will be drug tested for a long period of time, no less than every week. This will also give Spurrier a good reason to redshirt him to put on weight and get used to going to college and the college game. He would not have been used much if any at all this season. I think he will be fine in the end, I hope so for his sake anyway. Carolina will be good with him or without him.


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