Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ACC Media Days Rankings

Clemson picked to finish 3rd in the ACC by the media in Pinehurst, NC. Isn't that what they are picked to win every year? Here are the rest of the rankings:

1. Florida State 423 (37)2. Boston College 363 (25)3. Clemson 332 (8) 4. Wake Forest 325 (13) 5. Maryland 156 6. North Carolina State 144

Coastal Division -- 1. Virginia Tech 491 (77) 2. Georgia Tech 367 (4) 3. Miami 356 (2) 4. Virginia 255 5. North Carolina 188 6. Duke 86

Winner: Virginia Tech

My too early predictions:

1. FSU 2. Clemson 3. BC 4. NCSU 5. Wake Forest 6. Maryland

1. Virgina Tech 2. Miami 3. Georgia Tech 4. Virginia 5. North Carolina 6. Duke

Winner: Duke (Virgina Tech)

Wow practice is almost here and we are down to the 30's in days left.

Typo on last post: I mean to say Blake Mitchell's inconsistancy.


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