Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Good move on getting NCAA 08 on the PS2 instead of the 360 Brent..

There have already been a huge amount of complaints about the 360 version freezing up. I got these complaints off of a message board. Isn't looking good for the 360 version!

Xbox 360 freezing

-Do they freeze up when they're hot, or is my system just messed up?

-Are you playing NCAA 08 when it freezes?

-WEll right now it's Need For Speed, cuz my NCAA is kind of freezin too.

-I was just wondering because my 360 just froze 3 times in a row and it's never frozen on any other game..gettin kind of worried

-Just bought a 360 and my new NCAA '08 froze up 2 times in 4 games. I am worried too.

-I am having problems with mine since I got NCAA last night too. It has been slightly freezing through gameplay (offline) and now it won't read the disk at all. It stopped in the middle of my recruiting and gave me a message that the "disk was unreadable." I took the game out waited awhile and then it gave me a message that I needed an Xbox 360 to play the disc (obviously it was in a 360). I tried again and now my 360 will not read that disc or any of my others now. I have tried to load the discs both vertically and horizontally and nothing is working.This is not good.

-WEll then apparently it's not just me then.

-mine did this a lot playing NCAA Basketball and last years NCAA 360 finally stopped all together...when power was on the dreaded red lights were the only thing that would come on...I called the company and they sent me a shipping box with shipping label and I sent 360 back...a couple weeks later I got my new system free of charge...the new one still freezes up every once in awhile or says unreadable disk

-The joy of 60 fps.Wow

-Well my 360 just died, I just tried to turn it on and got the three red lights..This sucks, I barely got to play NCAA 08!

-The exact reason that I am hesitating buying the 360 Elite. I want one bad, but am concerned about it messing up and spending more time gettin fixed or having to get it replaced than actually getting to play it.

-My 360 elite has frozen while playing 3 different games. I heard that 1 in 3 systems will have a problem.

-My 360 has done a lot of crazy sh#t since I started trying to play NCAA today. First it froze about 4 seconds after turning it on(on the XBox thing). I turned it off and tried again and it went a little farther and froze again. It did this about 6 times with it going further and further into the game. The last time it froze while I was saving and then the fun started. Some crazy screen popped up that according to the Wikipedia site means major hardware problems and that I am suppose to send it in. I turned it off and unplugged everything and plugged it all back up. After this I turned it back on and the three red lights came on.

-that's why i don't fool with the XBox

-I was thinking about buying this game for 360 tmw, but now I am reconsidering....

-Wow, I'm gonna be nervous as hell playing NCAA. I've gotta play every game like it's my last. lol.

WOW, sounds like the PS3 made their version 30fps for a damn good reason. I will not have a 360 if it will not play NCAA in the coming years. Microsoft should be ashamed! Damn those deadly 3 red lights! LOL.


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