Thursday, July 19, 2007

Welcome Back Vance.

Vance, I am not going to argue any point on Tommy Bowden. It is always a back and forth issue, because of how streaky Clemson plays. I do know that he is under more pressure than what he is willing to admit. I heard him on the Dan Scott show (limited because 104.9 doesn't pick up well on my radio in the jeep) and he was talking about the QB situation and said that it is preferable to have one guy at the QB situation and confirmed that Korn would have to blow it up to take a starting position away. Expect to see Korn Labor Day against FSU, though. I do.

I thought our TE ranking would've been higher, but we have a lot of unproven talent. I think Linthicum will be all conference in a few years. He seems to be a talent upgrade.

I always like the XBOX version better. It was basically the same game, but it came down to controller. I prefer the XBOX controller, so naturally. Now, the next-gen game is not complete yet, and I have no idea what's going on with these people's xbox's. I have to say that the last gen game is starting to show signs of age as well.


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