I agree with you bro. There is something fishy about that whole GT thing. I also think however that Ohio State and Oregon get what they deserve, as does Auburn.
Where I find conflict is where you defend Ohio State and Oregon by saying "these SEC schools." Which outside of Auburn are you referring to?
Are you suggesting that there are schools in the SEC outside of Auburn that are doing more than any other school in the nation as far as paying players and such? I thought you and I had both established that nearly all schools do it.
The problem is not the SEC, it is the NCAA. All schools do it and Auburn is definitely on the hotseat right now. It took 4 years before the hammer was dropped on USC for the Reggie Bush fiasco.
Don't take this post wrong. GT is surely getting screwed right now. I can only imagine what the GT fanbase feels like right now, or dream about what they feel like since Carolina has never had a title to take away lol. But this does seem like something that would happen to Carolina. Have a title taken away over $300. As a matter of fact, if we do win a title of any sort this will probably happen to us.
In closing, you are right about the NCAA needing to get investigated. Everyone in the country would agree with you there. Hard to blame the SEC though (outside of Auburn) since they are doing pretty much what every other program in the nation is doing. Should they just quit doing it because they feel sorry for other programs that are getting hammered? Let those other conferences get ahead? That won't happen until one big program gets popped. That program may just be Auburn..