Thursday, July 21, 2011

The sportmanship comments Brent made were from Mickey Plylers article...

Did you read it? Both articles were worth the read.

But you found a way to bring up Chad Kelly again? You are like a little leprechaun that has found a pot of gold talking about Chad Kelly. Lots of good things to talk about with Scar, but you are never going to win an argument that has anything to do with QBs and character. Even as you are posting this, Chad Kelly is showing out at the elite 11 and everyone is saying no way he is a 3 star QB.

No, you don't get in someones face like a rapper after gaining 5yds. You also don't go out not one but two years in a row before your bowl game and get so drunk you cannot play the next day. I am pretty sure it does not take a genius to figure out he did it before the SEC Championship game as well. I would post a video of Jerri's Kid crying after he did it the first time, but what would be the point? Everyone knows it and everyone has seen it.

Lots of good things going on with Scar, no doubt but your QB situation is not one of them.

Again I will say, I don't care, I am a football fan and I want to see Garcia, Kelly and Craig all play period.

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