Those few post that I did write after the season was over were really attempts to get you guys to write something every once in a while. I'm sorry though bro, those uni's were from the 2006 season.. That #93 in that pic is Gaines Adams and the guy that he looks like he is trying to dry hump is #97 Dorell Scott. I've been telling you guys for years that those Nike uni's were ugly. Not just Clemson's but Miami's, Oregon's, ect. I just don't like the Nike uni's. Whether Brent admits it on here or not, he doesn't like them either.
One thing I can't deny though, Clemson looks to be building one hell of a great 2008 recruiting class. One note to remember, all of the UGA fans still seem to think AJ Harmon is going to sign with them on signing day. I don't know much about him either way. I'm pretty sure Clemson has Bowers, Ellington, and Jones locked up though.
I'm ready for Carolina to get the ball rolling. If you remember though, Carolina started off very slow in recruiting last year, and look where they finished. We finished with a class ranked above Auburn, Notre Dame, UGA, Bama, Michigan, Oklahoma, Ohio St, Miami, FSU, ect. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think we will finish with the 6th ranked class in the nation again this year, but I think we will make the top 25. I think we will finish this year with a class ranked about the same as Clemson's 2007 class was.. Which is pretty good. The way I look at it, whoever we miss out in this class, we made up for in the 2007 class.
We do however, have one star player commited to us already. Jarriel King (pictured above) should be a 5 star when the JUCO Rankings roll out. There has been talk that he may be the #1 ranked JUCO player in the nation. Guess time will tell.
Well I'm ready for the freaking season to start!!!!!!!