Friday, November 03, 2006

I think we were running alot of the same thing as Louisville last year.

The short passes anyway. Its obvious we need to get back to it more. Last game is just proof you have to be balanced. Just because you can run the ball up the middle on most of your schedule it doesn't mean you need to do it exclusively. The Tigers have to use the recievers that they have. They have very talented people at these positions and they deserve to get more action. You can tell they got rusty, in addition to Proctor. No excuses now, Spence needs to throw more short passes and screens tommorrow. This game has me worried.

Good pick ups for the Cocks. You know, I think these rumors get started on the message boards, I actually saw a fan start this up, with nothing to back it, just to be cute. I am pretty sure thats where it came from. It was an FSU fan that started the Tommy has already took the job at FSU rumor. He later admitted it was a joke. After all, how would you like to face the first thing you do is firing your brother.

I am not so sure you won't see Terry Bowden coming out soon, even Tommy mentioned it, he has brought up his brothers name alot. NC maybe? I don't think he would get the Miami job, even though he would take it, but stranger things have happened.

I think you can count on Barnes and he is a good one, Garcia I am not sold on yet. You have a good shot no doubt, I just don't think he has made up his mind. There seems to be alot of big teams with QB issues these days and they are hard to beat out and sneaky as they use dirty tactics, ND and Florida for example, they use every trick in the book. Did I tell you I hate Weisses fat ass?


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