Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Big pickup for the Tigers..

He was a Clemson fan, and there was no doubt he wasn't going to pick Clemson in my opinion.

Even if he wasn't a Clemson fan, I'm sure it would have been hard for him to pick Carolina over Clemson with Carolina picking up Cliff Matthews, Travian Robertson, possibly Carlos Dunlap, and already having Eric Norwood who is a freshman this year. I'm not saying that he is afraid of competition, but Carolina probably wouldn't look to humbling to him right now.

Also, with the departure of Gaines Adams, Clemson is in a huge need for depth in the DE position. No better place for a DE to pick to go to school than his favorite school.. In this case it's Clemson.

I will say this.. Don't be so sure he is a 5 star, no rankings have come out yet. Cris Ard and Roy Philpot have been known to over hype early Clemson commits. Don't listen to every thing you hear on the message boards. I have no doubt that he will be a 4 star though.

But on any note, good pickup for the Tigers. Big fill for a huge need. Congrats, and I would love to see him play for Carolina.


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