Monday, November 20, 2006

Gamecock fans may as well get used to it..

When you have a head coach that is the caliber of Steve Spurrier, he is going be frequently mentioned as the top replacement when a major head coaching job comes open. It's nice to have a head coach that the teams like Miami, Bama, ect. want.

I agree with you that if Bama makes a head coaching change, Spurrier is going to be at the top of their list as a replacement. Does that mean Spurrier will take the job, or even have the slightest bit of interest? Absolutely not..

Like I have said before, Spurrier wants to win at Carolina. He wants to go down in history as the first head coach to win at Carolina. Here's 5 good reasons why I know he isn't leaving South Carolina for a while..

1. South Carolina just unveiled a 200 million dollar facilities upgrade plan.. Which includes adding 8,000 seats to Williams Brice, the new baseball stadium, an academic center, and numerous other upgrades. Guess who was leading the way, and campaigning the most for the upgrades. You got it, Steve Spurrier.

2. Spurrier just made a donation himself to the university of 250,000 dollars.

3. The recruiting class we have coming in is going to be jam packed full of first class talent. Spurrier has been talking a lot here lately about how great he thinks this class is going to be. This could possibly be the best class Carolina has ever had, and Spurrier knows that.

4. Think about how much improvement has been made this year with this very very young class. The three weeks before we beat the crap out of MTSU, we lost to 3 of the top 12 teams in the nation by a combination of 14 points. Also something else for Spurrier to look forward to, Carolina is only losing 3 starters on offense and 1 starter on defense after this season. Just look at how well we have done with such little experience. Spurrier has already made it a goal for next year to play for the SEC championship. He can't do that if he's in North Cuba.

5. Money is not a factor with Spurrier. Spurrier was offered a lot more money by Carolina than he is making. Spurrier was offered over 2 million dollars a year by Carolina, and he turned it down. He is making an estimated 1.3 million dollars a year now. So, I don't think he will be running for the money.

Like I said though, Carolina fans better get used to programs coming after Spurrier. They also better get used to Spurrier shooting them down. Of course Bama and Miami are going to go after Spurrier, and so will Penn State and FSU after Jo Pa and Bobby retire, but they can go ahead and hang it up.. Spurrier is going to retire at Carolina!

We are on our way and Spurrier knows and believes that more than anyone else...

Rest easy Gamecock fans, rest easy.


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