Thursday, November 09, 2006

I completely agree..

Spurrier shouldn't have said what he said.. Why get your young team down? You took the words right out of my mouth on that subject. Nothing more I can say about it, because I agree with everything you said..

I agree that the thing about the clemson flare should have stayed in the locker room. I also still think that there is no excuse for any player/players to get in a heated arguement with any of their coaches.. No excuses for that. If a player/players start doing that, they may think they can do it all the time or even worse, set a bad example and let the younger players know they can do it whenever they want. This isn't the NFL, it's college football.. Those coaches gave you a free ride at a free education at a major university, and a shot at the NFL.. I don't think it should ever be justified for a player/players to ever stand up to a coach in one way or the other.. Not flaming, just giving my opinion.


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