Friday, September 30, 2011

Could be his Grandfather..

But it also could be that he is an alcoholic and has not been allowed to practice very much with the team as a result. Right now he is either still drinking or having a hard time coping with not drinking. My best guess would be the later.

Also, Garcia is getting ALL of the credit right now for an offense that has allot of issues. Recievers running bad routes, lots of other things going on and Garcia is catching the heat for all of it.

Spurrier and his play calling for example. He needs to be calling short pass plays and attempting to build Garcia's confidence up a little. Instead he is calling just whatever comes to his head, changing the play with 8 seconds on the clock, then throws his headset. Which has also seriously gotten old.

I think he needs to hire a young innovative OC, you have plenty of money. He has plenty of knowledge to add to pretty much anyone's scheme. I think it's a good idea and it's not meant to be a flame. He just does not appear to have enough patience and is not adjusting or adjusting play calling for weaknesses. We all know they should be better, but right now they are not and trying to force it is not working.

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