Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Big Game Tomorrow.

With all of the fuss over Clemson and USC lately, no one has mentioned the big game tomorrow night between Louisville and West Virginia. I haven't watched a lot of either team this year, so my opinion is based on who I like the best and that would be Louisville.

I realized something lately......a lot of Clemson fans are whining, bitching, and complaining about our two losses and Proctor this and a lot of negatives. I am very excited about this season, because we have a very good chance of having a double digit win total for the first time in 15 years and are still in the ACC chase. This time last year we were playing to get a bowl invitation and we really deserved to go to the damn "Potato Bowl" in Boise because BC was better and had the record to prove it. I still think we are going to the ACC championship, and I will go buy a Wake Forest hat if they beat Boston College....and wear it too dammit!


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