Friday, October 13, 2006

Herbstriet said it....

I didn't get to see the entire scene, but some of the Virginia Tech players started pushing each other around when Boston College scored the game-clinching TD. I have believed that Virginia Tech was nothing but a bunch of thugs ever since Michal Vick was there. Kirk Herbstreit confirmed it with his words last night after seeing that incident. I don't have an exact quote, but he said that ever since Mikey Vick came to VT it seemed like they recruited a lot of talent.....individual talent that cared nothing for their team but only about themselves and getting to the NFL. He said this team is going to decline if they can't become team players. Basically he said that Virginia Tech needs to get rid of the thugs. I totally agree....once again the only guy with brains at ESPN gets it right.

Shame about Blake.....but it has become basically a Clemson fan site with occasional info about the Gamecocks....personally the blog space you guys wasted on a single player is just like VT. I barely read any of it because I only care about the game and the team...recruiting is only secondary in my love of football.


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