Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Now you're getting silly

Come on bro, a Mizzou fan? lol good one I guess. Let me ask you what made you such a big SEC and Vandy fan all of a sudden?

Yes I have seen mizzou play, twice in fact. I saw the ASU game last week and most of the UGA game. They lost their starting QB in the ASU game and still pulled out the win. They ended up with more yards and firstdowns than UGA in that game as a matter of fact. Have you watched them?

I'm not trying to make Mizzou out to be a great team. I'm simply saying that you can't call them a garbage team just because they lost to a top 5 ranked team. Not sure why you're having trouble with this lol.

As far as predictions, I'm not sure why you would have them losing to Vandy and especially Kentucky lol. Tell me what exactly has Texas A&M done to chalk up a win for them against Mizzou? I guess just for the sake of arguing?

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