Monday, May 21, 2012

It happens about every 40...

years bro, this has happened before. If we are lucky, we will live long enough to see it happen one more time in our life time. Your mistake is thinking that something has changed and it will continue forever, lol.

Why do kids get in trouble? Do you really want compare track records on that? Seriously? This is a huge deal for you because you know its a rarity at Clemson. I am very proud of the graduation rates and player behaior off the field. I feel bad for Bellamy, everyone knew this was possible from day one including Dabo. Watkins was a surprise, but at the same time no big deal.

You just don't get to do this very often, I know so I guess you should keep it going as long as you can.

Lots of interesting topic to discuss in football right now bro, I can keep going all day because in my mind you are losing. I know in your mind you are winning. But I think the smart money says this is silly from both of us. I just think there are too many things interesting in football, but its up to you. Neither team is perfect, honestly I doubt either team lives up to the ESPN ranking really. Thats just reality for me, if its something else to you great. Its only entertainment for me.

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