Thursday, August 25, 2011

You do make jam up pepperoni pizzas dude

I wasn't so bad myself. My champs card from Terrence is still one of the biggest accomplishments in my life lol.

I feel your pain on the remodeling. I bent more nails than a pro carpenter would in a lifetime with my home improvements. Main thing is don't get frustrated and beat you work to death with a hammer like did multiple times. Then you have to start over from scratch lol. The view at the end of all the hard work is priceless. It may not mean a lot to everyone else that sees it but you will know the blood and sweat you put into it to look like it does. I'm proud of Jenn and myself. You will be too of your work..

You are definitely onto something with the snobby fans. I have a perfect relation. After Carolina won their first national championship in baseball a my immediate boss, a co-worker, and myself (all Carolina fans) were all talking about it the next work day. There is a chick that works there that is a big Clemson fan. Her and her husband both. You guys will know who I'm talking about if I told you. They are season ticket holders. Well, she walks in the office during our convo. I find out later that she said "I don't know why all of them are so happy, none of them went to Carolina." Turns out she graduated from Lander and as far as I know her husband only has a high school diploma. In fact I'm pretty sure of that. He definitely didn't go to Clemson. Just thought that was funny. Especially with the fact that one of the Gamecock fan co-workers she referred to was paying his son's way through Carolina at the time lol.

On the other hand, two of my other bosses graduated from Clemson with engineering degrees. They have never made comments like that towards me about being a Carolina fan even though I give them hell about Clemson a good bit. You would like the plant operations manager's humor about Carolina Vance. He reminds me a lot of you lol. For instance, after GA Mangus got into trouble he sent me a text that read "I heard they were changing the name of the Gamecocks to the Peecocks". Funny guy, but he has never looked down on me or acted snobby about me being a Gamecock fan and not graduating from Carolina.

Anyway, just thought I would share that.

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