Sunday, December 10, 2006

You will also notice ND did not punt the ball.

Navy's defense cannot stop a team like ND. But Navy a team that cannot recruit. A team that has to pick players out as they arrive to play football, kids I might add that are there because of their high academics skills were able to put up that many yards on ND. These kids are going against the atheletes of ND for christ sakes. Kids of which most likely had no asperations about playing football. Come on Brent read between the lines. I watched the game and it was alot closer than the score. You telling me thats not success??? I havn't watched the Cornhuskers play, but I do know they are making a comeback. Big 12 runners up?

Finally, you say something about the offense. Not so fast my friend you cannot just tackle the ball carrier. Thats the point of the true option. You tackle the ball carrier and guess what zip .... the ball goes to the RB and he is gone. Or maybe zip, the ball goes down the field to a wide open reciever, I've seen them do it. They couldn't do it with a back up QB this year, can you imagine how bad a back up QB is at Navy? A defense has got to be disciplined and have a CB that stays on the RB instead of going after the ball carrier. Go ahead and line 8 men up in the box and see what happens. Thats why the option would work. There is no reason why it wouldn't. You don't think the I formations we line up in frequently can't run an option play? You are telling me lining up and running the ball straight up the middle or to the outside is better than the option? Thats what the option means, having the option to pitch the ball or pass it. Come back with more thoughts, I want to hear your arguments. Remember what happened when CB's tried to tackle CJ this year? Think a LB can get to the outside in time? I don't. You need to watch Navy play.


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