Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tebow does look pretty fast to me when I see him run on TV..

And yea you have had 2 negative replies on the Paul Johnson thing.. From Brent and I.

If the wishbone would work in the SEC or ACC, somebody would have already thought about it. I don't think it would work. Maybe work enough to scare some teams, but not to win every week.

By the way, the rumors just keep coming. People are now saying Tommy B to West Virginia. It was his alma mater. Hey if it were true, it would be the next step to the wishbone and Paul Johnson.. lol.

Clemson isn't in dire straits enough to take a big risk like running the wishbone. The team Clemson has now is a really good team. By the time Clemson learned to run the wishbone properly, the really good team they have now would be gone. It would kill recruiting and the Clemson program pulling a stunt like changing the offense to the wishbone.. Trust me Vance.


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