Monday, December 04, 2006

Pretty cool. Meanwhile I started the ball rolling on Paul Johnson, LOL. A couple of excerpt from Tiger fans:

If we get Joe McKnight, how dangerous could we be with Willy Korn's speed and agility in the wishbone offense. Can you imagine, maybe not next season but about 2 or three seasons down the road. We would be something.

That would be the perfect offense in my mind. Having Davis the guy who could muscle the 3 or 4 yards you need to get a first down and then have Spiller also next to you who could take it at any moment. Oh yeah McKnight could fit in there since it's a Wishbone. Paul Johnson you service is requested at Clemson University.

The defense for the next few of years is gonna be SICK! With the combo of that AND that offense....i can only imagine!

Remember, if it ever happens I was the one who made it happen, LOL.


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