By: Blake
Let me first start by saying that I don't look for Carolina to have a great season this year, but i do think they will have a good one.
A good season as opposed to great is a huge difference. A borderline good season is what Carolina had last year. All they had to do to turn that in to a full-fledge good season was win the bowl game against Mizzou. That didn't happen, and it hurt a lot of Carolina fans... bad. Maybe it hurt the most important Carolina fan the most... That fan is Steve Spurrier.
A great season was just a few points in a few games away in the regular season for the Gamecocks.
A missed extra point was the start of a close loss to UGA. The game ended with a 17-15 win to UGA's credit. The thing was, no Carolina fan at the time knew that the same loss cost us a chance to play for the SEC championship. But, what fan at the time was seriously thinking we had a shot against Florida or Tenn. (lowly Tenn. or not)? I know I wasn't.
The next game I bring you back to, is the Clemson game. The performance in this game by the Gamecocks shocked Clemson and Carolina fans alike. We actually had a running game. When before, early in the season the running game was close to non-existent. In the end, Blake Mitchell showed his dependence on Sidney Rice. What was so bad is that he had other WRs open on key plays, but he keyed on Rice and that was the direction he threw it to whether there was a wide open RB for the first down or a Kenny McKinley for more.
From what I've been hearing and have seen (at scrimmage) Blake is on a whole different level than last year. He is a lot more confident and has stepped up to be a more vocal person.. more of a leader. He's put on about 17-20 lbs. and really looks the part of a SEC QB. He's also getting rid of the ball quicker, and smarter. He's finding the open man (probably because he's realizing Sidney isn't the only guy out there lol). Overall, Blake will be our starter this year, but he will be looking over his shoulder next year. Chris Smelley is learning quick, and is definatly the more talented QB on the entire team. However, experience and knowledge of Spurrier's system is everything.
You guys would have been shocked by the play of Smelley in the scrimmage. Only one word explains it.. Natural. He's still learning, but the kid is going to be awesome one day. He's got the most beautiful pass I've ever seen. He has good accuracy, very tight spiral, and a cannon arm. He's also very mobile. You will see him play a good bit this year, and one thing is out of the question for Smelley, and that is redshirt.
Anyway, I've wandered away from the topic of my article. Overall, we were close to finishing the regular season at 9-2, and with a chance to play for the SEC championship. Now that would have been a great season.
I for one, and I know I'm not alone, can not wait until Aug. 31. Good season, great season, or bad season. I'm just ready for some freakin FOOTBALL!
Now let me give my thoughts on this season.
This season will be a good season for Carolina, not "borderline good", not "great", but GOOD. Simply because we will win our bowl game. I see us winning 7 games this regular season, but if you even as a Gamecock fan look at the young team we have (9 starters returning) more wins than 7 isn't likely... Possible, but not likley.
Not likely because we would have to beat 2 out of the following 6 teams: UGA, Auburn, Tenn, Arky, Florida, or Clemson. I think we will pull off one win out of those 6, but 2 will be very tough. Our 1 win out of those 6 would be Arky or UGA, but if you think about it, beating both with the team we have would be miracle. 8-5 after winning our bowl game is a likely senario for Carolina this season, which i think would be a "good" season.
Let me finish on this subject by saying that I'm comfortable being the underdog this season. I just want to sit back, win more than we lose, hope for a couple of upsets, and for th love of Steve Spurrier... WIN OUR BOWL GAME DAMMIT! lol.
Now the beyond part, or the path Carolina is taking under Steve Spurrier.. The future, so to speak, of the Gamecock program. The future is looking bright, thats the least I can say about it.
The greatest joy of this summer for a Gamecock fan has been picking up the Anderson Independent every other day and learning that no one on the Gamecock roster has been arrested. It happened once during the spring with Shea McKeen. Since then disciplinary actions, or lack there of are something that every Carolina fan has been very thankful for. I realize that kids are going to get in trouble in college, it's going to happen, but you're not going to see it much under Spurrier like you did under Holtzy.
Secondly, there is an advantage to Carolina only returning 9 starters this season... Carolina will have 19 starters (barring injury) for the 2007 season. Hopefully it will be 19, but there is always the chance that a star like Rice could see $$$ and bolt for the NFL. Who could blame him, if he's has nothing left to prove in college. I for one think he will stay, simply because he's been quoted saying he would stay "definatly for one more season after this one". Who knows until after the season.
Lastly is recruiting. Spurrier is shocking a lot of his doubters like Lee Corso, who said Spurrier wouldn't be able to recruit great players at USC. He's proving him wrong with already 2 solid recruiting classes under his belt, and possibly Carolina's best recruiting class EVER in the 2007 class. It only takes one big year, like a SEC championship season to get a few years of top recruiting classes, and build a national contender program. It's going to happen for Carolina under Spurrier.. I truly believe that.
Finally, the future is looking up for the Carolina nation, and I want no other coach to lead us to greatness than Steve O. Spurrier.
Bonus points for Clemson fans:
I predict a 10-2 regular season for Clemson this year. Which would, or should mean a BCS bowl. I can't really jump the gun and say Clemson will win their bowl game because a BCS bowl will be to hard to predict the outcome of before the season even starts. Clemson is on their way to the top, this is their chance. Let's see if the program under Bowden this season can live up to all the hype.. I think they will.
Final note:
In five years the state of South Carolina will be named among the Floridas, Georgias, Californias, Texas', ect. as great football states. Carolina and Clemson are well on the way to the top.
Final, Final note.. for my deticated readers:
Sorry if this post seems a little mushy or soft, but I just wanted to report what is really going through my head. I really like our silly comments back and forth, man you guys know I love to argue. Every once in while, not often, I like to write, fess up, and/or admit the truth about my thoughts on football (bad for my Gamecocks or good for clemson). Anyway, everything I wrote above is what I truly believe, no sugar coating. Bash me if you want, but think about it before you do. I hope you guys liked it. Let me know if you did or didn't.