Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Thank you Brent for your annual post!

Vance approves of your ONE yearly drive-by post (he considered it a troll?) and rightfully so, it is about as entertaining as most of his post lol.

The truth is Brent has a rare condition of the "Permanent Bullhead Clap Disorder". It has only been diagnosed after encountering the regular "Bullhead Clap" way too many times. Brent has often explained to me in the past about an odor that smelt like "A bucket full of pennies". This is an obvious symptom of PBHCD. I knew then that things would never be the same for him. It has even limited the time for him to post here due to the day-to-day life struggles he has with the PBHCD. I beg him to post here more often and he blames laziness as to why he doesn't. Unfortunately I know the truth is that he really doesn't have time due to spending most of his days looking for deals online for adult diapers. Why he needs adult diapers I will leave to your imagination.

I told Brent while he was "banging those hoes" that it would catch up with him but he didn't listen. Like his favorite artist David Bowie, he continued on with his quest to receive the dreadful PBHCD. Now he has to live with it and Vance has to fight the orange fight alone except for that one faithful day per year that Brent hits the jackpot on a "Depends - Golden Girls Sale" online.

Here's to you Brent and your struggles.

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