Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Solutions for the season prediction points and the failure to submit penalty

I was thinking 200 points for each team that you predict the season record perfect for. 100 points if you are one game off for a team. 50 points if you are 2 games off. 0 points if you are 3 games off. Minus 50 if you are 4 games off. Minus 100 if you are 5 or more games off. If this is too many points or not enough give suggestions and we can change it.

I think the penalty for missing your predictions for a week should be minus 60 points. Again, if this is too many points or not enough let me know.

After everyone agrees to something and we hash it out I will make a final official rules post and post the link to it in the top left of the blog.

Please make sure to post any changes to your week one and season predictions before kick off tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about this lol. Should be fun.

We also need to find a name for this game. My vote is "The Vance Bowl" lol.

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