Friday, July 05, 2013

We prolly won't...

Agree on ours ideas of the backup QBs and we don't have to. (Not saying I am right, just a different opinion) My opinion is that to the typical fan the backup QB is always better, Boyd has a bad game or two and there will be rants for chad Kelly. But in reality the back up QB is rarely better than a good starting QB. There just hard to come by. I think as a coach you pick your QB and stand behind him to be successful, there is know this is my stater BUT. Your starter should be your starter, it's mentally challenging to be a QB already much less being a starter sometimes or with the extra stress. Spurrier has done some great things that in my orange glasses opinion won't be repeated again (both at Scar and Duke). Developing mentally stable QBs is just not one of them.

I think Bobby Bowden was an example of what I am talking about in his prime. QBs often came out not so great and once named the stater he stood behind them in thick and thin developing them into guys guys you did not want to defend. In the later years those QBs just started to not get developed very well which was part of his demise, he was just too old to do it.

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